How to choose a membrane filter?

Membrane filters are one of the most popular because they allow for the effective removal of impurities of various types in the home. Their performance is not so high, but enough to meet the needs of families of 2-7 people. In this article we will talk about how to choose membrane filters and what criteria to consider. At present, membrane filters are divided into three categories, depending on the membrane used - this:

  • reverse osmosis membrane;

  • nanofiltration membrane;

  • ultrafiltration membrane.


What is the membrane filter made up of?

The water diaphragm filter, no matter which diaphragm is used, has the same practical design:

  1. Preliminary cleaning stage - it implies the use of activated carbon polypropylene cartridges. They are designed for primary water treatment - remove coarse impurities, chlorine in all its manifestations, the organics. Often, at a preliminary stage three cartridges are used.

  2. Next comes the membrane of fine purification. It removes the smallest particles. The degree of purification depends on the cleaning element used - reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration. The membrane is the main component of filters of this type. Water is pressurized to allow it to seep through thin pores - the contaminants are held on the surface and then rinsed off into the sewage system.

  3. The finely purified water flows into the storage tank. It is necessary that the consumer always has a sufficient supply of water, because the speed of filtration through the membrane is relatively low and if you just open the tap without using the storage tank, you have to wait for a long time until at least the kettle is filled.

  4. After the user opens the tap, the water from the storage tank will pass through another cartridge - it is filled with high quality activated carbon derived from coconut shells. Its task is to improve the organoleptic properties of the water. That is, to eliminate the probable unpleasant aroma and flavor characteristic of water from the public water supply.


Many modern membrane filters have additional stages of water treatment. This may be:

  • Mineralizer - saturates water with minerals useful for the human body;

  • Structurizer - a cartridge that changes the structure of drinking water, making it natural;

  • Ultraviolet disinfection - a lamp that emits ultraviolet rays that disinfect water. 

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